巧克力为何让人欲罢不能?丝滑口感是关键 | ACS Appl. Mater.


 科学家们已经破译了一块巧克力放进嘴里被吃掉后发生的物理变化过程。当它从固体变为丝滑的乳状液时,许多人都发现自己无法抗拒。英国利兹大学(University of Leeds)的跨学科研究团队希望通过分析上述每一个步骤,开发出新一代巧克力,这种巧克力的顺滑口感和质地不变,但吃起来会更健康。

共聚焦显微镜下融化的巧克力 来源:Dr Siavash Soltanahmadi

来源 University of Leeds

翻译 杨梦

编辑 魏潇



利兹大学食品科学与营养学院的胶体与表面学教授 Anwesha Sarkar 说:“润滑科学从机理角度解释了食物在口中产生实际感觉的过程。你可以利用这些知识去设计有着更佳口感、质地或对健康更有好处的食物。”

“一块巧克力,脂肪含量不论是 5% 还是 50%,都会在口腔中形成液滴,并带来巧克力(应有的)那种口感。然而,人们很少研究的是,巧克力中脂肪成分的位置在巧克力变顺滑过程中的各个阶段都很重要。”


这项发表在《美国化学会-应用材料与界面》(ACS Applied Materials and Interface)上的成果没有研究巧克力的味道,而是将重点放在了它的口感和质地上。

测试是在利兹大学设计的 3D 打印“人造舌头”上,使用奢侈品牌的黑巧克力进行的。研究人员使用了包括原位成像在内的摩擦学领域的分析技术来进行这项研究。


共聚焦显微镜下,融化的巧克力与唾液形成的结构。来源:Dr Siavash Soltanahmadi


利兹大学食品科学与营养学院的 Siavash Soltanahmadi 博士是该研究的第一作者,他说:“我们相信,随着对人们吃巧克力时的物理机制的逐步了解,一种新型巧克力将会被开发出来,它可以提供高脂肪巧克力的口感和体验,同时也是一个更健康的选择。


商业情报机构 MINTEL 的调查显示,预计未来五年(2022-2027年)内英国巧克力的销售额将增长 13%,达到 66 亿英镑。


该项目获得了欧洲研究理事会根据欧盟“地平线 2020”科研创新计划提供的资助。




【标题】Insights into the multiscale lubrication mechanism of edible phase change materials

【作者】Siavash Soltanahmadi, Michael Bryant, and Anwesha Sarkar*

【期刊】ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces

【日期】January 12, 2023

【DOI】 https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.2c13017

【摘要】Investigation of a lubrication behavior of phase change materials (PCM) can be challenging in applications involving relative motion, e.g., sport (ice skating), food (chocolates), energy (thermal storage), apparel (textiles with PCM), etc. In oral tribology, a phase change often occurs in a sequence of dynamic interactions between the ingested PCM and oral surfaces from a licking stage to a saliva-mixed stage at contact scales spanning micro- (cellular), meso- (papillae), and macroscales. Often the lubrication performance and correlations across length scales and different stages remain poorly understood due to the lack of testing setups mimicking real human tissues. Herein, we bring new insights into lubrication mechanisms of PCM using dark chocolate as an exemplar at a single-papilla (meso)-scale and a full-tongue (macro) scale covering the solid, molten, and saliva-mixed states, uniting highly sophisticated biomimetic oral surfaces with in situ tribomicroscopy for the first time. Unprecedented results from this study supported by transcending lubrication theories reveal how the tribological mechanism in licking shifted from solid fat-dominated lubrication (saliva-poor regime) to aqueous lubrication (saliva-dominant regime), the latter resulted in increasing the coefficient of friction by at least threefold. At the mesoscale, the governing mechanisms were bridging of cocoa butter in between confined cocoa particles and fat coalescence of emulsion droplets for the molten and saliva-mixed states, respectively. At the macroscale, a distinctive hydrodynamic viscous film formed at the interface governing the speed-dependent lubrication behavior indicates the striking importance of multiscale analyses. New tribological insights across different stages and scales of phase transition from this study will inspire rational design of the next generation of PCM and solid particle-containing materials.




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